Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First post, talking about music, and begging a favor

This will be my first post. Yea! or is that supposed to be YEAH! whichever one has the long A sound is the one I'm looking for. Well lets get off of words. Can you be on words? Whatever, I'm going to tell you about what I expect to do on this blog. Pretty much I'm going to be putting essays, and rants on here. Once in a while I might put a story on this blog (that depends on my actually finishing a story I begin) but if I ever do I'm sure I'll put it on here so that you can give me feedback on it.

That is if anyone is actually reading this.... Hello?

Well along with that I may put a few of the exciting event in my life on here. Some pictures, you know the regular bloggy stuff.

And that's about it for now, I'll try to get at least one post per week on here but don't count on it.

Let me just go off into my own little speaking or writing journey for a second

Right now I'm listening to a pandora station for the Young Dubliners. It's pretty awesome. I would definitely recommend it, that is if you are a fan of Irish rock. Well I just wanted to say that I am listening to a song called something like, Mary my Fine daughter, at least that is a line from it.... I just realized that I put a qualifier on a lot of what I say I'll try not to do that from now on, I realize that it is quite annoying and doesn't display any confidence in what I'm saying.

Here I'm going to ask everyone reading this to help me out. Every time, I mean Every single time I put an unecessary little bit into my writing like, at least I think so, I hope I'm right, or something like that I want you to call me out on it. Please. I'll even give you right that if you see one that the next time you see me you can smack me on the back of the head for it.... Also I beg you to not abuse this power. I kind of like my head sometimes.

Well that about it for tonight. I'm going to post something I wrote earlier below. Please read it and tell me what you think. It's about the dangers of sin and eventually overcoming it. I hope you like it.

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