Tuesday, November 6, 2012

College, mission

  I've been lazy... Well that isn't something that is especially new lots of people are lazy. I am complaining because I have been lazy on one important thing in particular. COLLEGE. Where am I going to go once my high school career is over? You see, I am hoping to find some sort of creative writing program to help me with my goal of being published. And eventually, you know, making a living off of writing.
  Don't worry i'm not putting all of my eggs into that one basket. I am currently going through a diesel technology program at the moment. It is interesting and fun as well as being a good place to fall back on. But I know that what I really want to do is write. I enjoy it a lot and I think I have a lot to offer when it comes to writing. Not to brag but most of the time I am fairly good at it. (anyone who finds mistakes in this post can keep there mouth shut, haha did you see what I did there?) Back on topic. um well other than that I am simply not sure of what I am going to do yet. I have been an idiot waiting until the LAST MONTH POSSIBLE to try and find the school I want to go to. I mean it's not like waiting until November to figure where I want to apply was a good idea. Especially since the application deadline is DECEMBER 1st.
  Even worse, I now have another decision that I need to work with. MY MISSION, most of those who are reading this know what that is seeing how most of you are family and friends and therefore familiar with  the LDS religion. To those of you who are not I am going to explain. An LDS mission is when young men or young women of the Church volunteer to go and spend two years of their live's serving our Father in Heaven and spreading the Gospel. You see it used to be that young men became eligible for this service at age 19, provided they met other spiritual and physical requirements. Young women had the same option only their mission lasts for a year and a half and they weren't eligible until they were 21. Also all worthy and able young men were called to serve missions whereas young women could choose if they wanted to.
  I used to have a little cushion. A few months short of two years before I was going to be able to serve. And then came General Conference, President Thomas S. Monson, the Prophet of our Church announced that the age of eligibility was going to be changed, for young men they were to be able to go out when they were 18, for young women, age 19.
  If you are curious as to why this is a big deal I'll explain, like I said previously I had nearly 2 years.
Now I have less than one.


This changes everything.

I'm not saying it is a bad thing, not at all. In fact I am extremely excited at this new opportunity that has been provided. My goal is make sure that I prepare as much as I can so that I can be worthy and ready to serve as soon as possible. I know that there is no where I need to be more than where the Lord is going to send me.

P.S. I don't have any story prepared for today, sorry, I might have one later but there is a pretty good chance that none will come out today.